Scientific software and tools

Author: Mihai Andries
Language: Python
Description: A convertor of binary voxelgrid (.binvox) 3D models into .STL mesh models with corresponding .SDF files for import into the Gazebo simulator.
Year: 2019

Author: Mihai Andries
Languages: C++ and Matlab
Description: A parser for a dataset of human group interactions (used for Human-Robot Interaction).
Year: 2016

Author: Mihai Andries
Language: Java
Description: A simulator for the development of multi-robot algorithms for the exploration of structured environments.
Year: 2015

Author: Mihai Andries
Language: Java
Description: An interactive game of Pacman, with 3 different levels and the famous cherries.
Year: 2009

Author: Mihai Andries
Language: C
Description: An implementation of John Conway's "Game of life" with some demo levels.
Year: 2008

Authors: Mihai Andries, Thomas Laguerre
Language: C
Description: A Sudoku solver, written in C.
Year: 2008